1. Montessori Method
Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, Montessori Method is a child-focused approach for educating children. The model has transformed schools and teaching across the globe. Montessori devised the pedagogy during the early twentieth century when the focus was on teacher and much of learning was based on transmission of information from teacher to students, through textbooks, recitation, and dictation. She turned this model upside down and instead advocated for a method where children’s natural interests and activities take center stage rather than formal teaching methods. Montessori argued that individual child has to become the focus while teacher is merely a director who unobtrusively guides the child’s own self-learning.
2. Waldorf Education
Devised by Austrian social reformer Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf education is premised on the philosophy that a child’s education must be holistic. It advocates that education should instil among children intellectual, artistic, and practical skills and that it should focus on children’s creativity and imagination. To that end, teachers enjoy immense freedom in customizing curriculum and reimagining their teaching methods. The Waldorf approach states that “young children learn best through immersion in un-selfconscious imitation of practical activities” and that imaginative play and experiential education are vital for the early childhood stage of an individual. Some of the experiences that help teachers bring out the best among children are: dance, theatre, music, literature, legends, writing, and myths.
3. Reggio Emilia
Developed by pedagogist Loris Malaguzzi and villagers in the Italian municipality of Reggio Emilia, this teaching approach is foregrounded in the basic tenets of responsibility, community, and respect. Focusing on experiential and self-directed learning, Reggio Emilia emphasizes discovery, exploration, and play. According to this philosophy, children come to form their own personality during early years and they possess “a hundred languages” to express a multitude of emotions. The method focuses on exploration of symbolic languages such as painting and sculpting.
4. HighScope
This method emphasizes the importance of early years education in an individual’s life and the role of a robust curriculum and high-quality education in improved lifetime outcomes of children. Based on extensive research, HighScope emphasises on children’s problem solving, creativity and decision-making skills while preparing them better life.